Gabby Barber wins URS award for research project

Undergraduate Lab Associate Gabby Barber (BA Hons, Social and Cultural Anthropology) won the Inclusive Excellence in Research and Innovation Award at the University of Calgary’s Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS). They received the award, which includes a $1000 prize, at a ceremony on Wednesday, November 20th at the MacEwan Centre.

Gabby was awarded for their research on queer community experiences in rural Alberta. This past summer, they received a PURE (Program for Undergraduate Research Experience) award and conducted oral histories in central Alberta. You can more about their research, including their preliminary findings on their project website: Gabby was supervised by Dr. Sabrina Perić.

Congratulations, Gabby!

Gabby and Sabrina at the URS poster session. 

Energy Stories Lab

The Energy Stories Lab is collaborative and transdisciplinary, combining ethnography with new forms of art and visualization, including augmented reality (AR), 3D object making, collective mapping and GIS. We highly value collaborative community-based digital storytelling methods, such as PhotoVoice, VideoVoice and also novel approaches to oral and life history.


Rachel Thomas’ debut graphic novel is out!


A talk by Gerry Straathof