Gabby Barber’s research featured in UToday
NEW COURSE: Alberta Grasslands Stories
Energy in the Second Trump Presidency
Rachel Thomas’ debut graphic novel is out!
Gabby Barber wins URS award for research project
A talk by Gerry Straathof
APPLY NOW: The Ingenium Postdoctoral Fellowship in Documenting Energy Transitions
Directors of the Energy Stories Lab Awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant
Zahra Jafarzadeh Has Successfully Defended Her MFA Thesis
YEKTA TARKI Awarded Alberta Foundation for the Arts Graduate Scholarship in the Department of Art
Energy Junkyard No.1 was selected to be included in the Abandoned, Exhibition
The Work of Their Hands: The Association of Oil Wives Clubs
The Junk Pile of History? A Final Look at the Canadian Energy Museum’s Object Garden
Scattered and Divided: The Uncertain Future of the Canadian Energy Museum’s Artifacts and Stories
Finding Women in Alberta’s Energy History
Energy History Through the Eyes of a Regional Museum: The Likely Demise of the Canadian Energy Museum
Water, Energy and Drought in Southern Alberta
It all begins with an idea.
"Our Oil History" Exhibit and "Skidshack AR" App Launch
Yekta Tarki's Capstone: Visualizing the Pyrocene
It all begins with an idea.