Yekta Tarki's Capstone: Visualizing the Pyrocene

Lab Associate Yekta Tarki presented some of her MFA work-in-progress recently, Visualizing the Pyrocene. Yekta writes: "In my investigation of the human-fire relationship...I translate raw scientific data into my visual language, presenting it alongside paintings and drawings. Intentionally, I incorporate tangible artifacts directly collected from Fort McMurray, functioning as both evidence and a memorial of the fire's impact on the forest and the community."

Energy Stories Lab

The Energy Stories Lab is collaborative and transdisciplinary, combining ethnography with new forms of art and visualization, including augmented reality (AR), 3D object making, collective mapping and GIS. We highly value collaborative community-based digital storytelling methods, such as PhotoVoice, VideoVoice and also novel approaches to oral and life history.


"Our Oil History" Exhibit and "Skidshack AR" App Launch


The Electric Zone