We're moving!

Thanks to the Canada Foundation for Innovation's John Evans Leaders Fund, the Energy Stories Lab has been able to secure funding for its Mobile Energy Storytelling Kits, which are on order! We are slowly moving into our new space - Earth Sciences 826. We are very appropriately right next to the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology's Digital Storytelling Lab! If you'd like to arrange a visit, send us an email to: energystorieslab@ucalgary.ca!

Energy Stories Lab

The Energy Stories Lab is collaborative and transdisciplinary, combining ethnography with new forms of art and visualization, including augmented reality (AR), 3D object making, collective mapping and GIS. We highly value collaborative community-based digital storytelling methods, such as PhotoVoice, VideoVoice and also novel approaches to oral and life history.


Gerry Straathof awarded Doctoral Scholarship