We're back from McMurray

Last week, we travelled to Fort McMurray to meet with some community members and organizations, to work with the amazing women of Wood Buffalo on recording some of their life histories, and to practice 3D scanning "Cyrus", the Bucyrus Erie bucketwheel excavator at the Oil Sands Discovery Centre. We also had an opportunity to explore the former site of the Abasand Oil Plant...an interesting hike that yielded a new avenue. But more on that in coming months!

Energy Stories Lab

The Energy Stories Lab is collaborative and transdisciplinary, combining ethnography with new forms of art and visualization, including augmented reality (AR), 3D object making, collective mapping and GIS. We highly value collaborative community-based digital storytelling methods, such as PhotoVoice, VideoVoice and also novel approaches to oral and life history.


Visit the Lab's new Instagram page


Read Kiersten Gillis' blog piece!