Read Kiersten Gillis' blog piece!

The Energy Stories Lab's Undergraduate Associate, Kiersten Gillis, has just published a blog piece about her experience working on the Storying the Oil Sands project for the Ingenium Channel, the blog site for Ingenium - Canada's Museums of Science and Innovation. Kiersten's discusses what it is like to contribute, as a community member, to a community's oral history. She eloquently writes: "Ultimately, the oral histories of RMWB residents are a reminder of the importance of community, and that the identity of a region that is tied to resource extraction is more complex than it might appear at first glance to outsiders. In taking this bottom-up approach to telling and sharing stories about the oil sands, I hope that the people of my region will feel heard, and that others will not overlook how we have contributed to the history of Canada." Congratulations on the great blog piece, Kiersten!

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Photo by: Kiersten Gillis

The northern lights on a cold winter night as seen from Abasand – a neighbourhood destroyed in the 2016 fire (2021)

Energy Stories Lab

The Energy Stories Lab is collaborative and transdisciplinary, combining ethnography with new forms of art and visualization, including augmented reality (AR), 3D object making, collective mapping and GIS. We highly value collaborative community-based digital storytelling methods, such as PhotoVoice, VideoVoice and also novel approaches to oral and life history.


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